why students should not volunteer in the community

It also teaches kids how to be strong leaders. Nearly three-fourths of students Benefits of Volunteering as a Youth. 4. Pitfalls of Community Service. Youre providing a valuable service to the community and are giving back through social responsibility. Other students think they will waste their senior year or social events (prom, football games, etc.) But they dont realize it has good benefits when you In many ways and your community. Volunteering offers students the opportunity to apply their classroom learning to practical scenarios that have real implications. For example; sports. Such networking helps students in opening their minds to new ideologies and improving their interpersonal skills. Volunteer work plays a key role in the functioning of social services within our communities. Volunteering keeps the brain active, which contributes to a persons cognitive health. Students should not be required to volunteer. Despite the fact that it is an altruistic activity undertaken by an individual or group of people for no financial or social award, it requires a lot. 30.7% of Baby Boomers volunteer each year. Self-confidence, mental health and wellbeing. Teens who volunteer perform better at school and also build a stronger resume for college and scholarship applications. While mandatory volunteering may not be the end of the world, for most students it can be another added level of stress. 1. The rate of students volunteering for community service has been declining (Volunteering/Community Service, n.d.). These are some of the common benefits of participating in a community service program: 1. There are many who shivers in the cold, sleeps with half-filled stomach, lives under the sky and has never felt the love of parents. Commit to completing 50 hours of volunteer work in a year. Volunteer work presents a great opportunity for teenagers to prepare for the future, as well as to improve their communities. #5: Volunteering strengthens your community. Its boring! Having students volunteer their time is hardly a new idea. The mandatory community service hours has been apart of the 10th grade FCPS government class curriculum for the past few years, requiring students get 20 hours of volunteer hours, of which is completed in the first semester and the rest to be completed in the second semester. When they see how their actions affect a community for the better, their self-confidence spikes and they feel happier. As a volunteer, you can observe the entire process involving administrators, nurses, doctors, and anyone else who is involved. Then for years two and three it would double the number again, to 300,000. If only everyone did something so selfless. There are a number of reasons why people choose to volunteer. Develop time management skills. not volunteer in high school volunteered in 2000 (table 4). As a volunteer you help: Support families (daycare and eldercare) Improve schools (tutoring, literacy) Support youth (mentoring and after-school programs) Beautify the community (beach and park cleanups) #4: You learn a lot. Studies show a positive relationship between extracurricular activities and improved grades and work habits in school. 2. 6. Through community service, students gain real-world experience and practice important habits like leadership, problem-solving, and time-management. Why should students volunteer for community service? Log community service hours on form #2 ( PCS form 2-2602-3 ). The rate of students volunteering for community service has been declining (Volunteering/Community Service, n.d.). While mandatory volunteering may not be the end of the world, for most students it can be another added level of stress. 1. Thats why all Whitby students start volunteering in fifth grade. Extracurricular activities teach you how to prioritize and manage your time. Lead them by example. Its also a great foundation for mental health and wellbeing. Being a volunteer expands your social network. Get an answer for 'A persuasive speech talking about students volunteering in community, why 40 hours is not enough.' Feels like unmanaged chaos. Another thing would be is if your Being forced to volunteer it Volunteer as a lifeguard. It also teaches kids how to be strong leaders. 3. Sports are encouraged throughout high schools, but not required. The people who work there dont pay attention to me at all. With the help of the funds of the $334 we raised at our bake sale, Make-A-Wish was able to grant the wishes of these ill children. The vast majority of board members who serve on charitable nonprofits boards are volunteers. Doing good for others and the community helps to create a natural sense of accomplishment. Make a Difference. Get Access. The quality of the community service work might not be the best if the students are forced to do the 75 hours of work. Ineffectiveness in School. A study titled The Effects of Community Service on the Academic Mei Cobb , August 9 2013. Utah has the highest rate of volunteers in America (51%) 7% of nonprofits will close their doors forever due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. The people you volunteer with are also great candidates for recommendation letters. Many college freshmen enter the world of higher education with some volunteer experience under their belts. We often hold back from joining a group because we fear that, for the campaign to succeed, we will have to give up more time, and do more work, than we can manage. Thats why many companies frequently organise community service activities for employees, as it strengthens relationships and teamwork. Many parents who volunteer turn giving back into a family affair. Volunteerism can be thought of as a social capital where everyone is concerned for the wellbeing of others. Students need to be encouraged to help their communities, but they should not be required. 1. This allows them to gauge their own competence and build their confidence. Teens should be apart of mandatory volunteer but most of think its not a good idea because it might take time away from what they actually want to do. Volunteer to chaperone a field trip. Volunteer For Things in Your Community: Volunteer at your local library. Both of these These time-consuming projects could drive students away from doing further community service. Make a Difference. Which means 3 out of 4 students are missing out on an enriching experience that benefits Volunteering can teach you the social and networking skills that you will need as an adult. Volunteer at a community center. Definition. The most common reason for not volunteering is lack of free time (about half of Americans cite this as the main reason), and another common reason is that the volunteer schedules and commitments are too inflexible. Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. Volunteer at an animal shelter. The requirement of volunteering and service into high school also runs the risk of permanently damaging a students perception of volunteering. Audrey Hepburn. Social responsibility. Over 92%, of community organizations, in a 2001 study, voted in favour of a continuing flow of student volunteers. When volunteering, students enjoy a sense of personal satisfaction, knowing that theyre making a difference in other peoples lives. For example as I mentioned above because we have the ability to listen to people and give advices. Teens who volunteer perform better at school and also build a stronger resume for college and scholarship applications. When individuals volunteer they may choose to help people, support philanthropic causes and provide assistance to their local community. Volunteering can also help students grow in their learning. Community service should be required in schools because it improves students academic scores. Self-confidence, mental health and wellbeing. 7. They mean well, but are just too busy to manage me properly. Community service is a noble profession since it gives the service worker an opportunity to help the needy and the disadvantaged. There are many ways to get involved in your community, which leaves students with plenty of avenues in which to pursue their personal interests while volunteering. Many tens-of-thousands more nurses are also informally promoting healthy behaviors in community-based settings where people live, work, learn, and play by volunteering and fostering a day-to-day culture of health Being a volunteer expands your social network. Cons include busy schedules, school work, sleep interference and a concern for safety. Youll spend time with like-minded individuals, which should make it easier to identify shared interests. The free clinics run by medical students have doctors who walk one or two pre-clinical students through the entire patient encounter from taking the history to doing the physical to presenting the patient. In order to truly complete the education the public school system promises, high school students should spend time volunteering in their community. "Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. Younger volunteers now comprise a major component of the volunteer population. No act of kindness is ever wasted. Some students may have a hard time finding opportunities to serve their community. Students need to be encouraged to help their communities, but they should not be required. As a volunteer you help: Support families (daycare and eldercare) Improve schools (tutoring, literacy) Support youth (mentoring and after-school programs) Beautify the community (beach and park cleanups) #4: You learn a lot. While donating to coat drives and collecting toys for children is great around Christmas, it is important to remember that people are always in need. Sometimes, empathy is all it takes to be able to motivate or encourage them to volunteer. Volunteering will make you more compassionate and empathetic. 1. Maryland, Chicago, and Los Angeles are just some of the locations across the country mandating volunteerism as a requirement for graduation. Some needed to complete a set number of volunteer hours to graduate. To find volunteer work, students need to acquire the information; contact to the places of volunteer work; and make a decision. Con: Emotional involvement. Its good for mental health. It is important that any volunteer work doesn't interfere with school work, study time or sleep. They provide an extensive labour pool which considerably influences in sustaining the costs of running these organizations. Volunteering teaches valuable skills they wouldnt be able to learn in a classroom. Volunteering should be Mandatory. Students learn to work as a team when performing community service by working with peers and members of Claim Counterclaim Students should have Some people are busy and to volunteer if they have to work in order to support want to graduate themselves or their families, so high school. Volunteering builds Character and Values. Community service can have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping them to develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others. Critics of mandatory community service say that many students feel overwhelmed when other activities are added to their platesand may even resent having to volunteer. As you help the community as a volunteer, you may make friendships that last far beyond your college years. Volunteer to do social media for a local org. Living the life of comfort and care, we often forget the fact that not everyone on this planet is as lucky as we are. You can gain relevant work experience. This slide lists some of the influencing factors. Submit community service form #1 ( PCS form 2-2602-2) to the community service designee at the high school for approval. Volunteering lets you branch out by making more friends. A teenagers social circle typically consists of family and school friends. Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy. Others sought out community service opportunities to make their college applications stand out. For many kids, accumulating volunteer hours marks their first real experience with the world outside home, school and sports, making it a chance to learn some practical skills as well. 4. The negative effects of forcing students to take a part in community service by deciding a fixed amount of it as a requirement for students high school graduation could offset the actual benefit of this. Volunteer to be a crossing guard. Britains 15.2 million monthly volunteers donate their time for a multitude of reasons, including the desire to bring about change, give back to their community and learn new skills. Being stressed can be trouble. Volunteer with a local nonprofit. If given the time to freely pursue our own interests, surely, many of us would still volunteer. That said, it certainly couldnt hurt to encourage more students to volunteer in the community. They will gain so much more and learn so much more if Requiring students to complete community service hours builds the foundation on which young people build the rest of their lives.Let's face it. 6. Volunteering for community service is a great way to develop these skills. Mandatory volunteering is not a good idea. Students always want to find volunteer work, but they may not be sure of the process of finding volunteer work. Mei Cobb , August 9 2013. Community service is a great way to teach kids the value of altruism and underscore the inequities and injustices that permeate modern society. Benefit 2: Volunteering is good for your mind and body. Not only can you help out an organization, but it can benefit you as well by making you a wiser, more appreciative, and better person. Its also an opportunity to spend more time with your family. Those who volunteer in their teens develop a sense of self. In fact, college student volunteerism peaked in 2004 at 31.2% and by 2010 had dropped down to 26.1%. Classes, work, group projects, and hanging out with friends and family can take up a lot of time, but students who plan ahead can fit everything into their busy days. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.. Managing volunteers well takes time and effort and training. They also gain a sense of connection to their community. A few months after the holidays have passed, many people dont feel as much pressure to give. For most people, volunteering is an extra; something thats nice to do, but not absolutely necessary. Volunteering helps the teens gain new skills necessary for the job market such as leadership, communication skills, dependability, time management, and decision making. I came to really question the idea of why a student might not participate in a class discussion one day when speaking with a faculty member after a faculty development workshop. You will surely feel rewarded for helping those in need. Teens also need safety in the volunteer job. It makes sense that a student who has engaged in meaningful volunteer opportunities in high school would want to write about that work on their college application, either in an essay or personal statement. 2/3 of volunteers first volunteered as youth, often with their family. Volunteering looks great to employers and shows an employer that the student cares about their community. The community service projects that students perform during their teen years could benefit them when they begin their job search. Pros of community service in high school include addressing community needs, exposure to new people, learning new skills and experiencing group dynamics. Abstract. Volunteering builds self-confidence and self-esteem. Tests whether you really want to be a doctor. Volunteers are a tremendous resource for charitable nonprofits. Widen Their Social Circle. Volunteering for community service is a great way to develop these skills. Why volunteer work should not be mandatory?

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why students should not volunteer in the community